Raising animals to become imperial concubines (Jiuzhong Palace)

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"Those people have eaten the fruit?"? All stand out and wait until we come out of the cave, and then solve this matter.

"Those people have eaten the fruit?"? All stand out and wait until we come out of the cave, and then solve this matter. Feng Zhenren said in a methodical way and took a step forward. Xi Xizhi stayed where he was, not knowing whether to go in or not. An Honghan stretched out his hand and put his arm around her shoulder. "You also go in with me.". Everyone else stays outside, and Feng Zhenren goes in with me. As soon as an Honghan finished speaking, there was an uproar. Your Majesty, this is not right, if something happens inside, we stay outside, I am afraid there is no time to support. Hearing that Your Majesty only wanted to take one person in, the imperial guard who had just stood out spoke again. Repeat below. There are still five hundred words left. I'll make it up later. If I don't update it, it will be broken. I have no choice but to do so. Please forgive me. An Honghan turned his head and took a look at the fruit. He didn't seem to see anything unusual. Just as he was about to nod his head, Feng Zhenren next to him opened his mouth and said, "If you are not afraid that the way you have worked so hard to build will be destroyed in a moment, you can eat it." Xi Xizhi was so frightened that his outstretched little hand stopped in midair. Is the fruit poisonous? Xi Xizhi winked at Feng Zhenren in puzzlement. Feng Zhenren touched his beard, shook his head and said, "It's more powerful than poison. Would you like to taste it?" Xi Xizhi has the heart of a thief but not the courage of a thief. The more he looked at the fruit, the more he felt there was a problem. It seems to be too beautiful, but it gives people an unreal feeling. Can Feng Zhenren explain it to me? An Honghan raised his hand and picked a fruit and looked at it over and over again in his hand. You don't see anything different? Feng Zhenren did not answer for the time being, but asked Xi Xizhi for the answer. Xi Xizhi shook his head honestly,316 stainless steel plate, "I can't see it." This fruit is not with evil spirit, Xi Xizhi really has no ability to see the difference. Feng Zhenren picked a fruit, crushed it in an instant, and the full and juicy juice flowed down his fingers. And now? Xi Xizhi opened his eyes wide in disbelief, and at the moment when the fruit was crushed, strands of evil spirit leaked out from inside. Those people have eaten the fruit? All stand out and wait until we come out of the cave, and then solve this matter. Feng Zhenren said in a methodical way and took a step forward. Xi Xizhi stayed where he was, not knowing whether to go in or not. An Honghan put his arm around her shoulder. "You go in with me,x60 line pipe, too.". Everyone else stays outside, and Feng Zhenren goes in with me. Chapter 54 At least Xi Xizhi did not flinch because of fear, which made An Honghan very happy. It seemed that the mink was timid at different times, and when he used some threatening tactics against him at ordinary times, he was so frightened that he tightened his neck. Unexpectedly, when it came to the moment of crisis, she did not flinch at all. Then go in with me. An Hong Han Bing does not trust Xi Xizhi and the imperial guards to stay outside, in his cognition, belongs to own thing, certainly must own is in charge. Looking at the cave from a distance, you can't see anything unusual. But as soon as you get close, you will find a boundary around you. It is because of this boundary that the evil spirit inside does not leak out. Feng Zhenren stretched out his finger to touch the void, and a transparent film rippled like water waves. It was the first time for the imperial guards to see such a scene, 316ti stainless steel ,x52 line pipe, and they were amazed. Xi Xizhi and An Honghan looked calm, after all, the boundary had already been learned by Feng Zhenren. As soon as Feng Zhenren flicked his finger, the boundary broke with a bang, and the pieces cracked like glass fragments. Xi Xizhi looked at Feng Zhenren's technique, as well as the output of the aura, straight sigh this person is fierce. With a snap of a finger, the boundary was easily broken. At the moment when the boundary was broken, a strong evil spirit came out of it. Xi Xizhi generally absorbs the spirit of heaven and earth, rarely touches demons and other things, there is a moment of discomfort, holding an Honghan's palm, inadvertently tight. Aware of a child's strange, An Honghan held her little hand back and tried to block her body in front of her to shelter her from the wind and rain. After a while, the evil spirit gradually faded away, Xi Xizhi tried to breathe a few breaths of fresh air before returning to normal. Feng Zhenren walked ahead, opening the way for An Honghan and Xi Xizhi. He held a mirror in his hand, which is often called a monster-revealing mirror. After reciting a few incantations in his mouth, Feng Zhenren's palm quickly brought a touch of white light, his palm brushed the mirror, and in an instant, the original yellowing mirror of the demon mirror shone a continuous ray of light. Your Majesty, please follow the old man and don't be too far away. "I know." An Honghan hugged Xi Xizhi's shoulder and went to the cave together, leaving behind a wooden imperial guard. Lynn stamped anxiously, but his Majesty did not tell him to go in, and he did not dare to follow. Glancing at Wu Jianfeng next to him, Lynn took a few steps and tried to stay away from him. Others may not see anything, but the shrewd Lynn knows that Wu Jianfeng will not have too many days left after all. How many people do you think can live in the world who have angered your majesty? I'm afraid there is no exception in the world except the cloud mink and Miss Xi. After going deep into the cave for a while, An Honghan and others turned a few corners and completely lost sight of the imperial guards at the entrance of the cave. The light in the cave was extremely dim, and if it were not for the light from the demon mirror, which illuminated the cave, it would be dark inside. The temperature of this cave is relatively low, probably because it is a place for monsters to practice. Occasionally, the cold wind blows, and it feels very scary. It seems that your way is so shallow that you can't even resist the impact of this evil spirit. Probably see Xi Xizhi very little contact with demons, Feng Zhenren's tone of voice, gradually eased, "in the future less go to the place of evil spirit, although you are Xiuxian, but still can not avoid the demon in the body.". Once the demon nature is stimulated, it can only be a demon for a lifetime, do you understand? Feng Zhenren said as he walked that he hoped Xi Xizhi would be strict with himself and not go to the evil way. That road, after all, is the road of no return,x56 line pipe, once set foot on, can not turn back. Xi Xizhi listened carefully to Feng Zhenren's teachings and suddenly felt that this man was not bad. Although his personality is old-fashioned and stubborn, he is a very good person. I will keep in mind Feng Zhenren's teachings. 。 lksteelpipe.com
