Baylor regents reveal horrifying gang rape allegat

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Baylor regents reveal horrifying gang rape allegat

More details have surfaced regarding the sexual a sault scandal that hasrocked Baylor, and its only getting worse.Baylor regents told that 17 women reported sexual or domestic a saults involving 19 football players, including Jack Roslovic Jersey four alleged gang rapes, since 2011.One regent called the details in Pepper Hamiltons report horrifying and painful.MORE: There was a cultural i sue there that was putting winning football games above everything else, including our values, said J. Cary Gray, a member of the Baylor board of regents. We did not have a caring community when it came to Bryan Little Jersey these women who reported that they Mark Scheifele Jersey were a saulted. And that is not OK.Two former Baylor football players have been convicted of sexual a sault in the past four years and the university is facing Tittle IX lawsuits from several former students that accuse it of not taking their sexual a sault claims seriously enough.One of the four gang rapes reported involved a female student-athlete. The victim went to her coach Mathieu Perreault Jersey and said she was afraid to go to the police. That coach then went to now-fired football coach Art Briles, who reportedly said he hoped the victim talked to law enforcement. However, Briles allegedly never alerted the schools Laurie Boschman Jersey judicial-affairs office or the Title IX office.Baylor said football players were involved in 10.4 percent of Title IX-reported incidents in the four-year period ending in 2014-15.Football is just a fraction, but it is a bad fraction, Gray said.