The series of quests is without OSRS Accounts doubt the first series that truly impressed me. The idea was one I had in mind, but Jagex launched Legacy of Seergaze so I forgot about it. I was wrong. Legacy of Seergaze and Shades of Mort Ton must have killed Dessous to make the Ring of Charos. Skills includes 49 Agility (50 Thieving OR Ranting), 50 Magic, and the ability to fight enemy up to level 300 by using a weapon that is weak.
Begin by speaking to Veliaf Hetz in Burg de Rott. You can offer your help in the pursuit of Drakan. It is possible to suggest that you use the power of vampyres with high levels to get revenge against Vanstrom Klaus. This isn't necessary, but I'm humbled. Vanstrom was.... The cutscene will transport viewers to Meyerditch castle. It's not Drakans Castle. The other castle has juvinates. Fired!
Yes Vanstrom. It is evident that you are lost in your touch. Even after the druid's death, you didn't do anything to free souls from Mort Myre. Then souls began leaving Mort ton. The Myreque was killed. The Myreque was still alive, but you were able to escape by falling for an obvious ploy. It was the same human that killed Draynor, and Dessous. Are you aware of the damage your negligence has caused? A vyre indeed it was dead. More are on the way. Their souls are being freed.
There is a mistake! This isn't my fault. Vanstrom, Vanstrom, your father is angry. Your chief of enforcement will be replaced. Charos will replace you. Charos will assume the security of our public vault from Cheap OSRS Gold now on.