It can take some time to reach the location without getting teleports.

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You must be aware of the following things before you start the quest. The final boss fight you will receive various strength potions as well as two prayer potions, which will make the battle less difficult than the norm. It is worth getting your shield on and armor OSRS gold  made of yak on hand at all times when you travel to the eastern part of the island is dangerous and fixing bridges is dangerous in the most. If you gather all the needed items prior to beginning the quest, it will be relatively quick and you'll likely require only 5-6 of the best food items before meeting the boss. Be sure to possess enough RuneScape Gold. You can always buy some here!

Area overview

An island collection that is connected via bridges. That's exactly what the Fremennik islands are all about. The islands can be seen and their connections on above map. Jatizso and Neitiznot they are two of the major villages located situated on these islands.

The ferry service operators to reach the docks on the landing shown by teleport locations from the most northern dock in Rellekka.

Following locations relevant during the quest are marked by the number that appear on the map.

1. In the courts of King Gjuki Sorvott IV. 2. It is the courtroom of King Mawnis Burowgar. 3. A bridge you'll have to fix. 4. Another bridge that you'll have to repair. 5. Access to the Ice Troll Caves to fight the final battle.

Warning: You may die if you travel to the northern islands and do not have food.

In the event that you run out of things to buy, find two banks located in the same village.

You can visit all islands at any moment throughout the game.

Note: If you only need access to Neitiznot which is the primary reason to begin this quest, you should bring 8 raw tuna, tin and other ores for your Mining level 1-9. 7 coal pieces in case your mining level is 10-54. 6 Mithril ore ores if you're more than 55. Talk to your King Gjuki Sorvott IV.

King Gjuki Sorvott IV

Things required for this part of the quest: Mithril ores with 6 mithril, 7 items of coal eight raw tuna, and tin ores.

King Sorvott's court

Travel to the most northern port in Rellekka and talk to Mord Gunnars. The quest will start when he takes his guests to Jatizso.

You can go to the checkered floor room and have a conversation with the King Gjuki Sorvott IV. During the discussion, his cat will interrupt and your highness with invite you to bring some raw tuna to feed his beautiful pet.

Note: The tuna can be purchased at the local store located just north of the king's residence or caught on the pier directly south of where you are.

After you've got the tuna, hand it over to the cat and speak with the King.

You can give the assigned ores to the King. You could also mine these ores in the cave beneath the village. The cave can be reached via the northeastern direction after you exit via the western gate. You can mine the ores within the underground dungeon. The King will reward you with coins in exchange for the ores that you deliver to him.

Behind the king's throne you'll find the chest. You can take the Jester's clothes from there.

Take the ferry run by the wife of Mord, Maria and take the ferry to Neitiznot straight from Rellekka. They are and Mord Gunnars at the northern eastern dock in Rellekka.

King Mawnis Burowgar

The items needed for this phase of the quest are: Jester costume you took earlier.

Go behind the bank. There's Slug Hemligssen. Tell him, "Free stuff please" to him. This is the time the jester's costume will be required. It's enjoyable, you'll even see yourself.

Jester is a game played by a player.

Make sure you have a jester costume on and go to the building just to the south of the bank there's Mawnis Burowgar. Make use of the jester control board depicted in the photo. obey everything he says.

Go back to Slug. Slug will ask you some questions. Below are the questions:

2 days

17 militia

2 bridges

Remove the costume of a jester and return to Mawnis Burowgar.

Bridge repairs

Items needed: eight arctic wood logs or 8 logs split (both are available during the following part), 8 ropes (can be found during the following part) An axe, and an axe. We recommend that you take armor, as well as plenty of food.

Go to Mawnis Burowgar and give him eight ropes. Are you missing ropes? It's not a issue. Kill yaks and send the hair drop to the spinning wheel in the village. You won't just keep the ropes, you will also get 1.000 coins in addition.

Repairing the bridge

Mawnis Burowgar will then request you to bring him eight logs that have been split. If your Woodcutting level is greater than 56. Cut the logs and bring them to the stump for woodcutting in the middle of the village to be split. If your Woodcutting skill is lower than 56. Continue the quest by purchasing the logs that have been split from other players. Once done, bring these to Mawnis and collect another 1.5K coins to earn rewards.

For the purpose of starting the repair of bridges, you must speak to an officer Thakkrad Sigmundson.

Warning: Bring bunch of food, and wear good armouras you could be attacked by high-level Trolls in the next stage.

Split logs into eight and eight ropes from the bank and an axe. Ropes can also purchased by the normal supply NPC in the bank. Go to the bridges that are damaged further north and fix them by right-clicking. Be careful, as there is a chance of being attacked by trolls along the way. One repair is all that is needed per bridge. Repairing the bridge to the east might be challenging. Protect from Missiles should be turned on prior to begin. As you work on the bridges, prayers for protection will be disabled , and you'll not be able active them. Ice Troll females might try to take advantage of this advantage and can often inflict large ranges of attack on you. When you are repairing the bridge, always ensure that Protect from Missiles is off. When you leave the bridge, any injuries caused from projectiles while working will be applied.

Return and forth to Mawnis Burowgar. You'll receive another 1.5k coins to fix the bridges. You'll be asked to investigate the caves of trolls, however another king could conduct the trolls' plight in the wrong direction and you're required to double-check whether this is the scenario.

Tax collector

Items needed: 5.000 coins (not necessarily necessary, but you'll benefit from them a lot).

Go back to Rellekka via boat and return to King Gjuki IV on Jatizso with Mord's ferry.

Citizens are required to pay the costs for the military. King Gjuki Sorvott III searches for a tax collector to address this issue.

Taxes need to be collected from the following individuals:

Raum Uda-Stein, Hring Hring at the hut of the armourer. (Collect 8.000 coins)

The weaponsmith's hut. In there you'll find Skuli Myrka. (Collect 6.000 coins)

Keepa Kettilon or Flosi Dalksson at the general store or fish shop (Collect 5.000 coins)

Vanligga Gastfrihet at the restaurant (Collect 5.000 coins) (If you pay her taxes for her, you'll get to trade in black market yak goods when you've completed the quest).

Return to King Sorvott. He has just come up with a something new called "facial tax on hair" and is searching for an accountant.

You can collect from the following people:

Armour trader Raum Urda-Stein

Trader in ore Hring Hring (located on the same floor as Raum)

Weapon trader Skuli Myrka (located at the anvil north of Raum)

Raw fish seller Flosi Dalksson (located inside the main store)

Cooked fish sold by Keepa Kettilon (located in the general store)

It is recommended to have 29.000 coins total. You can use the same taxpayer options in various tax round. Once done, head back towards the King Sorvott.

Kind is extremely satisfied by your accomplishments and would like to receive more spying assistance from you this time. Head back to Neitiznot which is where the Slug Spymaster's office is located.

The jester part 2

Items required Items needed: Jester costume (again!)

Make your way back to Slug. It's time to be jester once more!

You will receive the answers to your questions. These are the answers:


Some potions

I've been assisting

You'll get another 2.5k coins when the Slug will be happy with your findings. Make a trip to K. Gjuki Sorvott IV and update the King on his spying progress.

Traditional Fremennik rituals

Items needed: 3 yak-hides OR a set of yak-hide armour or 3 yak hides, thread, fifteen gold or silver coins. You will also need one bronze nail, rope, two Logs of arctic pine or an enormous Fremennik round should.

Kings do not always follow advices. This is the case with Gjuki Sorvott IV, King Gjuki Sorvott III. He was not prepared for the update he received, but rejected any tips.

The decree you get from King Mawnis Burowgar.

Following the announcement of the decree of the King Sorvott, Mawnis becomes extremely disappointed. Explore the ancient Neitiznot rituals of the warrior as an officer of his army.

Notification: If you have all three items that are required in your possession it is possible to skip the making of the shield and continue speaking directly to the king.

You'll need to make yak-hide armor. That's the first suggestion that comes from Thakkrad Sigmundson. The reward is 5 coins per hide if you bring Thakkrad three yak-hides and gets them cured. After that, you can craft the cured goat-hides into chaps for yak and into a yak-hide body. Needle and a thread are required to do this. You can purchase them from a nearby bank or nearest shop. There are 32 crafting experiences for each hide. When you're done, Thakkrad will confirm that the armour is ideal to protect against the granite clubs used by trolls.

To find out how to make a Fremennik round shield, visit and speak directly with King Burowgar. Trolls can be dangerous This shield will be ideal for protection from them.

To build this shield you'll need a nail of bronze an oar, a rope hammer and two arctic pine logs. Once you've gathered all of the required items, visit the woodcutting stub located just east of the bank to create the shield. Be sure not to bring a Hammer to your collection! Each shield you create increases the crafting experience with 34 points.

Be aware that if your Woodcutting level is less than 56. You can continue your quest by buying the shield from other players.

After you've finished, return towards Burowgar. Burowgar and accept his order to deliver the head of Ice Troll King. Of course, initially you'll have to kill the monster.

The troll the king

Items required: A big bag of food items (MUST be stocked with) A solid armour set, the large Fremennik round shield, and the set of yakhide armour.

Do not waste your time making use of Ranged or Magic against the Troll King, since you can only kill him effectively with Melee.

Fighting the ice trolling

Melee weapons and Ranged weapons carried by ice-trolls possess a special effect that can strike through any defence. It is often the case that it appears that the wearer isn't wearing any armor and has a defence Level of 1. Weapons are useless against prayers for protection, since they don't penetrate them. In order to lessen the impact and frequency of the special effects from the ice-trolls' weapons, it is recommended to have yak-hide armour on hand and Fremennik round shield. Fremennik round shield. If you're looking for a decent defense to defend against Ranged as well as Melee attacks, the classic Fremennik armour is the perfect solution. The only extras you should carry include gloves, a cape, a helmet, boots along with an amulet and Melee gun that's the best choice for your requirements.

If you're looking for a challenge and plan to leave yak-hide armour along with Fremennik shield in the closet and choose to go insane using Melee (which isn't recommended and is not recommended, naturally) Consider taking prayer potions, some high-quality food items and a great potion set, as you could suffer significant harm. Emergency teleport and a Ring of Life could also be helpful.

Journey to the northernmost island. You'll notice the number of Trolls with high levels increasing as you progress closer to the dungeon. Melee trolls cause more damage than Ranged ones, therefore, consider applying Protect from Melee to reduce the amount of damage done. As you approach the eastern part of the cave, which is located to the north, once you've passed the trolls you'll find the trolls stopped following you and ceased to attack. It is highly recommended to take some time and get some rest before you enter the cave as you may need lots of energy during the final portion of the troll cave.

Cutscenes will begin after you enter via eastern cave entrance. Before crossing the bridge to the south and assault The Ice Troll King, you'll have to fight off 10 trolls. King Burowgar's men will help you defeat them. Trolls will stand in combat zones that have multiple melee and ranged teams, trying to stop the King from getting to him. Female Trolls use Ranged and male trolls employ Melee.

Enter the cave and speak with Bork Sigmundson. He will give you two potions with a 4-dose strength as well as up to ten tunas, as well as at least three potions for prayer that are 3-doses. In the event you don't have enough room in your inventory it is possible to get enough items to fill the bag completely. Make sure you only have to make one request for each of the previously mentioned items. You'll receive enough potion if you're using Melee with the proper Fremennik armour and prayers of protection. One of the most effective tactics is to avoid the battle and watch how warriors take on trolls. If you observe their health bars reaching ultimate lows, simply jump into the fight and knock out those nearly 10-trolls who are dead. So you can avoid losing food or prayer.

When you cross this bridge, you MUST kill 10 Trolls. After that you will be greeted with a message stating that crossing the bridge to the Ice Troll King is now available. If you're in the need of replenishing your supplies, feel free to do so right now in the cave, since leaving will not affect your accessibility to Ice Troll King.

You will see a short cutscene showing the Troll King coming towards you, before you even begin traversing the bridge. Whatever you do it is guaranteed that he will land on the first hit, therefore turn on the Protect from Magic prayer during the cutscene or even before crossing the bridge.

A word of caution: If killed during the fight, you'll be unable to pick up dropped items since the fight is in an instanced room.

Warn yourself: Don't use the Protect from Melee in the final boss fight. Instead, you should consider making use of Protect from Magic.

Combating the Ice Troll King

The Troll King uses a powerful range of weapons, comprised of Meleeand Magic, Teleport and Ranged. He has Combat level of 122. Be extra careful. Protect the Magic to prevent taking too much damage. To lessen his damage more, put on Fremennik shields along with yak hide armour while battling with Guard the Magic. Don't use Protection from Melee for Troll King, because you'll not be able hit him as long as you keep it activated.

Don't forget about cutting the head off of Troll King's body after you kill the monster. You can simply pull the head off, there's no requirement to employ a particular weapon or knife. If you are killed by be a troll's head found in your inventory, just return to where you found the dead troll's head and pick up the new head. There's no need to kill him all over again.

Claiming trolls heads as a trophy

Return to the same place you came or teleport the desired location. Contact King Burowgar upon returning to Neitiznot. In exchange for the Troll King's head, he'll give you helm of Neitiznot. In addition, you have choose between two different skills (or an identical skill two times) to earn a 10.000 rewards in experience. You may choose between Strengh defense, defence, attack or Hitpoints. It's not too bad, is it? In the end, the mission will be complete.=========================================================

OldSchool Runescape (OSRS) Slayer Guide for Efficient levelling

The Slayer skill is the process of obtaining tasks from a Slayer master and fulfilling these duties. The task you receive through the Slayer Master involve killing monsters. In this guide we'll be teaching you how to efficiently build your Slayer until level 99. We'll cover how to become Slayer masters, the equipment needed for fast XP helpful quests, kill perks, tasks extension, locations, and much more. Let's get started!

Slayer Masters

Slayer masters can be described as NPCs that give you tasks, throughout your quest to reach level 99 Slayer you'll be constantly getting new tasks from Slayer masters. The general rule is to get your tasks from the top level Slayer masters as they offer more experience when compared with less experienced Slayer masters. Although it's possible Nieve can provide better Slayer tasks when you look at the amount of experience they have and how often they do However, in some instances Duradel is superior. Let's go through the Slayer masters one-by-one and the requirements.

It is best to opt to go with the top Slayer master you'll be able to get tasks from in order to obtain the most experience.

It's recommended to train Slayer as you train your combat skills. This way, you can effectively train Slayer while you also gain more experience with other stats.


Tuarel is the initial Slayer master you'll meet and is therefore also the most basic Slayer master. Contrary to the other Slayer masters Tuarel doesn't give you any prerequisites to obtain a task from him. If you get the Slayer request from someone else Slayer master, you can visit Tuarel to get a less difficult task, you can only do this each time you are assigned a task.

How do you get to Slayer Tuarel? Tuarel?

You can locate Slayer Master Tuarel at Burthorpe. The most efficient and fastest method to get to Tuarel is by using an e-games necklace that teleports you to the Burthorpe Games Room. Step out of the game room and head towards Tuarel's residence, which will find on the south side of the general store.


Tuarel is the one and only Slayer master who has no requirements.


Mazchana is the second Slayer master you'll be going to. Master of Slayers Mazchana is well-known for giving tasks that are close to his region and the tasks are fairly easy, so they're good for players with a low level of combat.

How to get to Slayer master Mazchana?

Slayer master Mazchana has been found within Canifis in Canifis, which is a zone that has been designated as a quest-only zone (jump to the requirements to find out more).


You must complete the Priest in Peril quest is required to to get to Canifis. You must also have a combat of level 20.


Vannaka is a mid-level Slayer master, and is the third Slayer master you'll be going to. Fun fact In the game Vanakka claims he is the best swordsman on earth since the two-handed sword with one hand and shield. His Strength appears to be 128.

How do I become Slayer master Vannaka?

Master of the Slayer Vannaka is located in the Edgeville dungeon. The most efficient way to get to Vannaka is to enter the Edgeville dungeon from the eastern entrance.


You need a minimum combat rating of.


Chaelder is the third advanced Slayer master, and is the fourth Slayer master that you'll go to. Chaelder provides mid to high level Slayer tasks.

How to get to Slayer master Chaeldar?

Master of the Slayer Chaeldar is found in the throne room of Zanaris located just to the south of the Lumbridge swamp.


It is necessary to finish this Lost City quest in order to get to Slayer master Chaeldar.


Nieve is the second most advanced Slayer master (behind Duradel) and the fifth Slayer master you'll get to.

How do I reach Slayer the master Nieve?

Master Slayer Nieve is located inside The Tree Gnome Stronghold, just close to the Stronghold Slayer Cave close to the magical trees and the southern bank.


You need a minimum combat level of 85 to receive Slayer jobs from Nieve.


Duradel is the highest level Slayer master within Runescape. If you are able to reach the level 99 Slayer the possibility of purchasing Duradel's Slayer cape at Duradel. Duradel is also the sixth Slayer master you'll be going to.

How do I get to Slayer master Duradel?

Slayer master Duradel can be located inside Shilo Village.


You need a minimum combat level of 100. A level 50 Slayer, and completion of Shilo Village quest. Shilo Village quest in order in order to attain Duradel within Shilo Village.


Krystillia can be the only Slayer master who gives you monsters from the wilderness. Only kills in the wilderness are considered to be a task from Krystillia. She will assign you any monster of any combat level, regardless of what your level of combat. When you receive an order from Krystillia, the assignment is accompanied by a separate timer for completion of tasks in addition to regular tasks. The tasks that are wilderness-related are distinct from normal tasks, but you cannot complete the wilderness task and a standard task at the exact same simultaneously.

How to get to Slayer the master Krystillia?

Master of Slayer Krystillia can be found in the Edgeville jail, which is located just north-east of the Bank.


There isn't any requirement to receive an assignment from Krystillia You just have to have at least one Slayer job completed.


If you are given an assignment for monsters in an area of quest and you are required to finish the quest. You can't simply begin the quest and end it immediately after unlocking the monster. If you don't completing the quest, kills don't count toward your Slayer assignment.

List of required quests for Slayer monsters

Fear from the Deep Darkness from the Deep Dagannoths

Lunar Diplomacy - Suqahs

Priest in Peril Morytania's monsters, and the Slayer Tower

Barbarian Training - Mithril dragons and Waterfiends

Cabin Fever Jungle horrors as well as cave horrors

Ernest the Chicken"Killerwatts"

The Mourning's End Part II - Dark beasts

Rum Deal - Fever Spiders

"Death to the Dorgeshuun Death to the Dorgeshuun Molanisks

Olaf's Quest Olaf's Quest Brine rats

Desert Treasure - Dust devils

Monkey Madness II - Demonic gorillas (an alternative to black demons)

Bone Voyage - Fossil Island Wyverns

Dragon Slayer II - Adamant and Rune dragons

Death Plateau - Spiritual creatures


There are many ways to block tasks to reduce time, and skip tasks you don't like that can make training your Slayer more enjoyable. It is also possible to extend tasks and unlock them.

Blocking tasks

You can block specific tasks , so that you don't receive them from an Slayer master anymore. In order to block a task you must have a minimum of 50 quest points as well as 100 slayer point and be assigned to the task. There are five slots, which means you should have at least 250 quest points to block five tasks. When you've completed your Lumbridge and Draynor Diary, you'll receive another slot.

There isn't a list of tasks you ought to be able to block because it's a personal choice. It's best to block the work you don't like or believe is difficult to get to and won't give you enough expertise in comparison to other tasks. As with all tasks the decision is yours and there's no "best tasks to avoid" It's entirely up to you.

Task extension

You are able to extend certain tasks with the payment of Slayer master Slayer points. We recommend that you only extend tasks that are ones you usually do and love doing, since extending a task will greatly increase the amount of monsters you'll need to take down. This will also improve your hours of enjoyment because you can kill monsters for a longer duration of time without having to return in the direction of that Slayer master.


There is also the option to unlock tasks. This way you don't need to finish the quest, but instead you pay in Slayer points. Generally speaking, these task unlocks will apply to higher-level Slayer masters.

Killing perks

There is one killing perk that we suggest for you to obtain, this is the Gargoyle Smasher perk. When you receive tasks from higher-level Slayer masters, you'll encounter Gargoyles often in the course of completing tasks. You'll have a lot less time by using this bonus because you'll be able to automatically smash Gargoyles every time they reach 9 or less hitpoints. You'll also be able to automatically crush Dawn and Dusk at the point they reach 0 hitpoints.


For melee-related tasks, there are basically 3 best weapon choices such as the abyssal whip, the Saradomin sword (if you're looking to improve your the strength), or the zamorakian hasta. The majority of the time, you'll require the abyssal whip, but for certain beasts, like dragons, the zamorakian haveta is preferred due to its stabbing damage.

Apart from weapons, you want to get the best armor possible with the strongest strength bonus to kill monsters quicker and boost the amount of time you spend in combat. The items that provide a higher strength bonuses include Bandos armor as well as primordial boots. While there may be variations, for example, when you get assigned to water-based friends, it's better off buying defensive gear, like Barrows armor. If you're short in RuneScape Gold right now, do not hesitate yourself to purchase more at rsorder!


Some tasks also require usage of Prayer or numerous Prayer potions can be costly which is why you might want to get some Prayer equipment such as Initiate or Proselyte to receive a larger Prayer bonus. You can also purchase equipment such as a saradomin godsword or Guthan's set. This can help you avoid a lot of food, as well as reduce your expenses.

Slayer helmet

You can buy a Slayer helmet from the Slayer master. With this helmet you'll have face and nose protection so you won't have to bring facial masks or nosepegs. Also, there is an imbued variant of the Slayer helmet called the Slayer helmet (i). You should obtain this ASAP, since it has some great benefits.


For a second, purchase a dragon defender if you are able to obtain one. It comes with huge accuracy bonuses which will eventually increase your damage output. In the event that you don't, you can purchase the dragonfire shield, which is more of a defense option as well. The dragonfire is extremely useful in killing dragons and wyverns as well due to the large defense bonus.

If you're an average player, you should just get the best equipment and weapons you can have. Make sure to increase your strength bonus as high as you can to boost your performance per hour.

In general , the weapon you use will depend on your mission. When you're fighting dragons, for instance it is important to maximize your stamina bonus as high as possible, so in this case, you could want to take out a zamorakian hasta, leaf-bladed sword or a rapier.

Dwarf multicannon

It is recommended that you use a dwarf multicannon in every ask, except for dust devil tasks. Utilizing the cannon can speed up the speed of your experience per hour so if your resources, you should purchase an ammunition and a multicannon for faster results. Particularly when it comes to longer missions like hellhounds and suqahs and black demons they're all good but they take an extended time when you're making use of a multicannon.

On average, you use about 750 to 1500 cannonballs in a task assigned by Duradel in a non-multi combat area the tasks that are carried out in a multi combat area can go beyond 1500.

If you're using the dwarf multicannon find out the best spot to stand in order to double-cannon shots on monsters. This will increase your kills and experience per hour.

Common slayer locations

If you are given a task to kill monsters, those enemies could be in any part of Runescape. There are also many dungeons within Runescape where you can find some of the monsters you're assigned to kill. Below is a list of these locations.

Slayer Tower

There are lots of different monsters here and it may be less crowded at Slayer Tower. Slayer Tower because of the presence. If you've completed the Morytania diary, you'll gain more experience here. However, you can't utilize a mini-multicannon inside the tower . Also, the upper floors can be annoying to climb without a high agility level.

Fremennik Slayer Dungeon

There are also plenty of different monsters , and most are unique and can only be found in this particular dungeon. It's a bit frustrating getting to the end of the dungeon, but not having a high Agility and some places might be packed.

Stronghold Slayer Cave

It has fewer monsters compared to the previous two locations however, it has monsters available as a task from medium to high level Slayer masters. You can shoot a cannon in this cave . It's close to the bank, but unfortunately it is usually very crowded.

Catacombs of Kourend

This place is similar with the Stronghold Slayer Cave, but the monsters are harder to kill but sometimes it is possible to get more drops in comparison to the other locations. This has a multi-combat environment, so while you are training Slayer here you can learn more effectively and it permits you to afk small amount. It can take some time to reach the location without getting teleports.

Chasm of Fire

It is possible to find Lesser, Greater, and Black demons RuneScape gold  here There is also the option of using cannons at this point. However, it may take some time to reach this spot without the best teleports as it's pretty far away.

Kalphite Cave

You can find a tons of kalphites here.
