Play that sparked Chiefs Super Bowl comeback will be added t

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Play that sparked Chiefs Super Bowl comeback will be added t

Evidently thanks to from Chiefs wide receiver Tyreek Hill, those who play with Kansas City on EA Sports' "Madden NFL 20" Akiem Hicks Jerseys will be able to utilize the play that created .

"Is there a way we can get wasp into madden," Hill tweeted Thursday, referring to the play that ended with his 44-yard catch in the fourth quarter against the 49ers and sparked the Chiefs' comeback, from down 20-10 to .

On Friday, the game's Twitter Breshad Perriman Jerseys account answered Hill's question.

Coming soon to ...Jet Chip Wasp

Madden NFL 20 (@EAMaddenNFL)


Called "Jet Chip Wasp" in the game, the entirety of Patrick Mahomes' call for the play in Super Bowl 54 was "gun trey rightthree jet chip wasp Y funnel." It came on a crucial third-and-15 after an apparent first down catch by Hill had been overturned upon replay review.

During the review of the Hill incompletion, Mahomes was the one who suggested "Wasp"to offensive coordinator EricBieniemy. Alex Bars Jerseys The 24-year-old QB and eventual Super Bowl MVP wanted the Chiefs to run the playregardle s of down and distance.

"They were playing this kind of robber coverage all game long, where the safety was coming down and kind of robbing all our deep cro s routes," Mahomes explained after the game Caleb Johnson Jerseys . "We had a good play call on it where we had (Travis) Kelce do a little deep studded cro s. We had Tyreek getting one-on-one with that safety."

NFL Films on Thursday shared a fantastic video Tarik Cohen Jerseys that breaks down "Wasp" and why its succe s was so pivotal for Kansas City at that point in the game.

Fly like a butterfly, sting like a Wasp. believed in himself, this play call, and the on the 's Turning Point.

NFL Films (@NFLFilms)

"That's all we needed was just a spark,"Bieniemy in Kansas City's locker room after the game.

They got it. Now "Madden" players, too, can take advantage of opponents' deep zone coverage with Hill as the "wasp" and Mahomes, the game's cover athlete, benefitting from a99 overall rating.

Related: So much Jeremiah Attaochu Jerseys for the "Madden" curse.
