When you do an ocular examination of the new home you desire to buy, there is a significant possibility that you will miss an important issue if you are not a construction specialist with a working understanding of building structural performance. An experienced and qualified building and timber pest inspector will thoroughly inspect every building element and will report on defects that are relevant to the structural condition of the building.
Before signing the sales contract, purchasers like yourself should take extra precautions and have the property examined by a professional who is trained and specialized in pre-purchase inspections. It’s a common misconception that newly constructed homes are free of flaws and only registered builders can inspect homes.
Building a new home isn’t a simple endeavor.
In Western Australia, many homes are constructed without any stage inspections meaning there could be poor quality workmanship or structural issues new home buyers would not be aware off. New homebuyers commonly would assume that new houses have passed inspections and are in excellent condition when they go on the market for resale.
Consider the fact that inspections on stages during construction are not compliant in Western Australia and simply leave a gap for unwanted structural defects. Investing into a new home could be high risk and hence the reason, you seek and carefully engage the right inspector for the job. See our section about Independent Structural Timber Pest Inspectors in Western Australia.
Independent Structural, Termite Timber Pest Inspectors in Western Australia.
Asking a property seller or an estate agency for an inspection report they’ve commissioned may be handy, but don’t take the easy way out here, even if it is convenient. For one, it’s impossible to know if they were conducted independently, and the report itself is rife with a bias to please the Estate Agents’ recommendations and requests for what should be included and what should be excluded. Remember that their purpose is to get you to buy the property.
Some inspectors get a lot of business from builders and real estate agents and some inspectors are simply self-made inspectors. Some people may gloss over crucial points to continue receiving referrals and business from them. It’s difficult to put your faith in an inspector who appears biased in favor of the vendor or agency they’re inspecting so here are some critical points for consideration when engaging an Inspector.
Firstly, there are Real Estate agents and even homebuyers that get mislead by Registered Builders that an Inspector must be a registered builder. Consider the fact, you can be a painter for 7 years and apply and get your builders registration. Yes, with any trade qualification and proof of 7 years working in the industry can get you this license. So, is that what you need? Hell no! You need someone that is qualified and trained on Identifying defects and report in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. Why? Because you can get 100’s of personal opinions therefore there is an Australian Standard as a guide to support consistency under Inspectors. Be aware when anyone push “use a registered builder”, especially if they are a one man show, they may have little understanding and possibly no support framework to ensure they are aligned with the reporting standards.
A good suggestion is to check they are insured. With Jim’s Building Inspections, we train and qualify, and we do annual refresher courses to ensure our Inspectors keep improving and keep learning. The other serious issue is Registered Builders doing Termite Timber Pest Inspections. Two reasons why Jim’s Building Inspections stand out, we work closely with our Licensed Jim’s Pest Control division, and we train and qualify our Inspectors as Pest Control experts to reduce the risk of missing termites. Get the qualified and trained inspector in your corner.
Don’t Skip New Property Pest Inspections.
Although the new property appears in excellent condition, purchasers like yourself should not relax their vigilance against timber pests such as termites and borers. They may go undiscovered for months and carry out their life’s purpose of destroying houses (read: termites). They have been known to work in the shadows for years in certain circumstances.
A Termite Timber pest inspection ensures that your new home is not infected with unwelcome guests and we also provide educated opinions in regard to the current termite management systems. Your new home could be a high risk if not protected by some form of termite management which you should be aware off when buying a new home. A Termite 7 Timber Pest Inspection should only be done by a Building Inspector if they hold a license and if they are fully Insured. Jim’s Building Inspectors are trained by licensed pest technicians and actually installing termite management systems as part of their training to have a thorough understanding of Termite management and to be able to inform a homebuyer of the risks.
Ensure There Aren’t Any Unexpected Issues
It’s possible that a newly constructed building is structurally sounder than an older one, but it doesn’t guarantee it’s free of structural issues. Termite and other pest infestations might go undetected for years after you purchase a home since they are challenging to see in the initial inspection and can’t be detected until years after you’ve acquired the residence. Hence the reason our reports include conducive conditions and a summary of the current Termite and Timber pest management systems in place. Only a qualified expert can provide this information.
Quality Control Requesting Our Services
In Jim’s we have over 50 divisions and over 4500 Franchisees covering various services and to ensure we stand behind our 100% customer Satisfaction Guarantee, we do random and very regular reviews to ensure you have top quality service and super great experience. For you as a client, it benefits that your details are recorded on our system so that we can conduct this review. To get this done, always ensure you call 131546 to book an inspection. This way, your details are recorded for quality control, and you have a place to reach out to in case you experience poor quality service.
Final Words
It wouldn’t be prudent to forego a building and termite inspection only to save a little money today. The cost of a few hundred dollars is a little price to pay when you know you won’t be wasting your money. Before you sign a sales contract with the home seller or estate agent, call our team of experts to get this complete building and termite inspection Perth done! It is for peace of mind.
Resource: Is A Building, Termite Timber Inspection Necessary Before Moving Into A New House?