The game has 11 Gem Slots into which players can slot Gems into. Gems cannot be used to have two Gems with the same skill and type, regardless of Gem level Lost Ark Gold. Its Gem Equip Menu sidebar lets players to sort their Gem Benefits by skill. As a default, players are given two Gem Presets and each additional one costs Blue Crystals (which players can acquire for Gold or as a Microtransaction) in order to gain access. Gems that are currently in the Gem Preset cannot be Fused; think of it as something similar to "Locking" the gems.
The ideal time to purchase gems with Gold (as instead of making them upgraded) is a bit dependent on the current worth of Gold to the player. But, it's generally worth it to buy Gems when you reach level 5 or so. At that point, this is much more efficient than registering them with Silver and slowly work on upgrading them all through Fusion from there. Naturally, gamers can also just buy the Level 10 versions of their Gems once until they reach Level 3 However, that's an investment in Gold and isn't really necessary for the content most players will have to deal with prior to 1400+.
When to Sell Gems
In comparison to purchasing, selling Gems is almost as regular practice. There are players who swear by"The "Life Hack" of always selling Level 5and Gems irrelevant to their currently needed Skills, but this slows down the progression of having 11 level 5 Gems to eleven Level 10 Gems.
However, here are the most frequent scenarios which people tend to Sell their precious stones:After moving to 1 to Tier 1 up to Tier 2. or from Tier 2 and then to Tier 3. and selling all Gems of the previous Tier.If the prices for certain Class Gems the player has are sold for Cheapest Lost Ark Gold a ridiculous price on the Auction Market.If your player's Gem Fusion progress has slowed and they've got two Level 5+ Gems that can be applied to unused Skills.