What Is the Easiest Way to Making WOW Classic Gold

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Create a Bank Alt

As many of you know the amount of bag space in Classic game is quite limited, and depending on your class, you may have to carry around some extra gear, arrows, and resistance gear

Our World of Warcraft: Classic How-to Make WOW Classic Gold Guide features the best methods for farming and gaining gold in the game! Gold is a lot harder to come by in the old school WoW, and you'll need it for a variety of things to make your life easier when playing.

Create a Bank Alt

As many of you know the amount of bag space in Classic game is quite limited, and depending on your class, you may have to carry around some extra gear, arrows, and resistance gear, etc. Let alone having to carry various consumables, reagents and other stuff you need. Bags were much smaller than we used to have them nowadays, and every bag space counts. With no guild banks in play and much, much smaller storage space having a bank alt is going to be essential in WoW Classic.

Having bank alt was a common practice, players sent their stuff on them for a keeping or to sell on Auction House right away. For a bank alt pick a race/class combo that you would like to play sometime later. It takes around 1-2 hours for the mail to get from your main character to your alt, but if you don’t take the item on your alt, you can use the RETURN button to send the mail back to the main character instantly, without any delay. This along gives you additional repository for your items. Mail cap is 100, after which you can’t send mail to that character.

Another advantage of having a bank alt – learning crafting professions. For example, you take the gathering skills, such as Skinning and Mining on your main character and then you pick Leatherworking and Blacksmithing on your alt. We do not recommend to pick Mining and Herbalism at the same time for the simple reason – each of these gives a detection skill on the minimap, and switching between them might drive you crazy, or you will just miss nodes. It is better to handle one detection at a time, but if you think you can do both – nothing will stop you there. Since mailboxes are all over the place, you will be able to just send your gathered reagents to alt, freeing valuable bag space on main and having two crafting skills instead of one, all at once. The only disadvantage, in that case, is profession skill level – to get past 225 skill your character has to be at least level 35, which is why we suggest choosing a race/class wisely, so you may level up that character later on.

ALWAYS keep your alt character logged off in the Inn, as you gain rest XP at a faster rate there, the same tip goes for the main character. There is no cap on rested XP, so you can get multiple levels worth of Rested XP if your character stays logged off for a while, and that will come in handy once you decide to level your alt to advance in crafting professions.

Auction House

Selling items on the Auction House below their Vendor value is a common mistake. Avoid it like fire, and always make sure that you are not losing Gold on your Auctions. If you plan to sell an item on the AH for a price just a tiny bit higher than its Vendor value, you might be better off just vendoring the said item (this will allow you to avoid the risk of losing an Auction fee if your Item doesn't sell).


Fishing is one of the more lucrative professions, and one everyone can get. It's something you'll want to level up, because fish you can catch like Stonescale Eel and Nightfin Snapper sell very well on the Auction House because they are both used by raiders in either potions or for food.


In WoW Classic, Professions play a major role in both making money and providing much-needed items towards the end of the game, so it’s worth picking them up as early as possible regardless of what your intentions are.

One of the quickest and easiest ways to earn extra gold is to pick up some gathering professions as early as possible – any two of Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning.

As far as which to pick, Skinning has the benefit of being able to create your own resources by killing enemies, whereas mining nodes and herbs have to be found, and might be taken by other players. If you’re planning on picking up a crafting profession that will use a particular resource down the line, however – like Blacksmithing or Alchemy – it might be worth selecting Mining or Herbalism respectively.

These will allow you to gather resources without too much extra work while you’re levelling up, which can then be sold. Most things will yield more money sold on the auction house, although for the lower-level items, the slightly lower profit of selling to vendors might be worth it for the immediate cash-in, so it’s worth checking how the prices compare.

Crafting professions definitely give options for making money by creating items or providing services that are very valuable, they also take up a lot of resources. Generally speaking, it will be more efficient to take gathering professions while levelling, and then switch over once you hit level 60 and have built up enough of a bank – especially for professions like Engineering or Enchanting, which are particularly expensive to level up.

It’s not just the major professions you should be considering though. The three secondary professions can all be picked up in addition to your two primary professions, and give you another valuable means of making money – especially with Fishing – or saving money by producing resources yourself rather than buying them.

It's important to understand that Gold is a lot harder to make in the Classic version of World of Warcraft, you can buy WOW Classic Gold in some stores when your inventory is in short supply, as you can't do all the quests on your own. Here is a good store to trade gold, https://www.igvault.com/WOW-Classic-Gold , becoming the nice assistant while playing.You are worried about the price and security, with this in mind, it can be guaranteed on the site, which is cheaper than other stores and protected by a security system.
