
How to Care for Sensitive Facial Skin?

Started by Jeanine Devon · 63 Replies
Posted: 23 w
While sensitive skin can appear anywhere on the body, it is at its most obvious on the face. It occurs when the skin’s natural barrier function is compromised, causing water loss and allowing penetration of irritants. Symptoms are exacerbated by factors that facial skin is most exposed to, from the sun to some ingredients in cosmetics and cleansers. Having a greater understanding of the causes of sensitive facial skin, and the factors that can worsen it can help reduce its impact and lessen occurrences.

Sensitive skin can show up on any part of the body, but it is most noticeable on the face. It usually appears as redness, with other symptoms such as itching, peeling, and burning. Sensitivity occurs when the skin’s natural barrier is compromised with symptoms that can be exacerbated due to exposure to certain factors and triggers. One important component of having glowing or radiant skin is having a healthy skin barrier. Also referred to as the moisture barrier, the skin barrier is the protective film on the skin’s outermost layers. Its job is to keep moisture in and irritants out, guarding your skin against environmental aggressors.

The sad part is this barrier can weaken or be compromised due to age, genetic predispositions, and external influences. Some of the things you do and apply to your skin can also affect its healthy function, and lead to dryness or redness in some cases. A damaged or compromised barrier usually presents itself in dryness and sensitivity. Sensitive skin can sometimes bring discomfort or affect your confidence. Below are a few tips on taking care of or keeping your sensitive skin calmer and happier.

Your face shouldn’t feel squeaky clean, tight, or dry after cleansing it. The right formula is something that gets rid of excess oil, dirt, and makeup while maintaining your skin’s natural moisture. Look for a gentle cleanser that is also soap-free and fragrance-free. Just make sure not to over-wash your face, as this can result in further dryness and irritation. Moisturizers do more than hydrate the skin and lock in moisture. These products also help slow down the signs of aging, soothe sensitive skin, and assist in restoring your skin’s natural moisture. Just be sure to look for a product formulated for sensitive skin or those with ingredients that can help soothe skin, such as oatmeal, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and lactic acid.

If you have skin that is easily irritated, it only makes sense to limit your sun exposure, especially during peak hours, between 10 am and 3 pm. And if you are outdoors during those hours, seek shade, wear a hat, or use an umbrella if you can. Don’t forget to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or a product formulated for sensitive skin. Sensitive skin reacts to certain triggers, so it only makes sense to identify what yours are. These could include fragrances, dyes, too much time in the sun, or certain types of fabric. Weather changes, makeup, and air conditioning could also be the culprit. Making a list of these triggers and understanding them can help you manage sensitive skin better.
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