It is now the right time to establish expectations

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"What I find fascinating about the $95 share price is how closely it is in line with market value of Activision this year prior to its current difficulties WoTLK Gold," Hoeg said. "One could argue that it's not a premium relative to the worth of the assets that Activision owns which suggests that Microsoft is, in fact buying low on the premise that the price is inflated for cultural reasons that can be "sanitized" by an acquisition (and similar control of the respective entities with the help of Microsoft itself)."

What we've got is a business with good and reputable reputation , acquiring one with no reputation at the cost of a price affected by the recent scandal, with the expectation being that the parent company will help sort things out. It's in Microsoft's financial interest to clean house and improve the image of Activision in addition to the fact that it's just the right, ethical thing to do.

It is now the right time to establish expectations regarding Microsoft's management of the business, and prepare to ensure Redmond will follow through when the acquisition is concluded. Microsoft will need to set clearly defined guidelines, with consistent punishments for any misconduct, and a higher degree of transparency, and provide more voices within the various Activision Blizzard studios. Even though Activision has reportedly begun to root out negative elements following the fact (and after a California state-wide lawsuit) However, a change of management buy WoTLK Gold could send a signal that these types of conduct will not be tolerated in the first place.
